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Director of Department of Comprehensive Technical Solutions

In the 2023 academic year, Okayama University consolidated its technical staff across the entire institution and launched the “Okayama University Technical Support Department.”
The most significant challenge in consolidating technical staff lies in transforming their mindset. Moving forward, for technical staff to make substantial contributions to the university’s research and education, it is crucial that they not merely follow one-sided directives but instead take on the role of active partners in research and education, thinking independently about how to derive the optimal outcomes for the university. This new organization represents Okayama University’s strong commitment and determination to create and provide an environment where technical staff can “grow independently.” The time and costs involved in establishing the Technical Support Department are not seen as mere “expenses,” but rather as an “investment” in human resources, reflecting great expectations for future growth.
We sincerely hope that each technical staff member will internalize these principles and strive to improve. We kindly ask for your understanding and support in our future activities.

Division of Technical Support for Medical Science

Division of Technical Support for Medical Science consists of three groups, Joint-use Facilities, Clinical and Social Medicine, and Basic Medicine. The Joint-Use Facilities Group (Central Research Laboratory, Okayama University Medical School) is responsible for maintenance and management of jointly used equipment, contract services such as sample preparation, and support for use by researchers both inside and outside the university. The Clinical and Social Medicine Group provides technical support for clinical experiments and forensic medicine-related services, while the Basic Medicine Group is involved in basic medical education and technical support, pathology specimen preparation, and donation services. (The total number of members : 23, as of October 2024.)

Division of Design, Manufacture and Social Infrastructure

Division of Design, Manufacture and Social Infrastructure consists of three groups, Mechanical Systems, Machine Tool Center, and Environmental and Social Infrastructure.
The Mechanical Systems and Machine Center Group provides research support to researchers and students, and designs, manufactures, and provides technology for experimental equipment and instruments. The Environmental and Social Infrastructure group provides technical support related to education and research activities based on civil engineering knowledge. All groups are also involved in educational support for experiments and practical training. (Total number of members: 12, as of October 2024.)

Division of Technical Support for Education

Division of Technical Support for Education consists of four groups, Pharmacy, Science, Chemistry and Life Sciences, and Electrical and Computer Engineering. It provides preparation and technical guidance to ensure smooth and safe implementation of undergraduate students’ laboratory training in the School of Pharmacy, the School of Science, and the School of Engineering, and supports the seaside laboratory training at the seaside experimental station. It also conducts medical education and educational technology development in the medical field. Furthermore, appropriate staff are assigned to provide research support and administrative support in departments and courses. They are engaged in work at the Tsushima and Shikata campuses and at the Ushimado Seaside Experimental Station. (Total number of members: 18, as of October 2024.)

Division of Instrument and Bio Resource Management

Division of Instrument and Bio Resource Mnagement consists of three groups, the Advanced Science Research Center, Plant Science and Resource, and Field Science Center. Advanced Science Research Center maintains and manages large analytical and measuring instruments, produces and supplies liquid nitrogen and liquid helium, and supports research and education using radiation, radioisotopes, and laboratory animals. In the Plant Science and Resource the center maintains and manages shared equipment and facilities, and supports research and operations of research groups. In Field Science Center, they support research and education at production sites for crop cultivation and livestock rearing. They work at the Tsushima Campus (Okayama Farm), Hachihama Farm, Tsudaka Livestock Farm, Shikata Campus, and Institute of Plant Science and Resources.(Total number of members: 27, as of October 2024.)

岡山大学 総合技術部
所在地 3-1-1 Tsushima-naka, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama 700-8530, Japan
TEL 086-251-8816
E-mail sougougijutsubu●adm.okayama-u.ac.jp(Please replace ● with @.)