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国立大学法人岡山大学 第15代学長(第5代法人の長)







SATOH Norito(Ph.D.)Director-General of Department of Comprehensive Technical Solutions (Vice President for Research and Industry-Academia Co-Creation, Vice President for Academic Affairs)

Director-General of Department of Comprehensive Technical Solutions
(Vice President for Research and Industry-Academia Co-Creation, Vice President for Academic Affairs)


The Okayama University Technical Support Department is an organization of over 80 technical staff who possess high technical expertise and are strategically deployed across the entire university, a regional hub and distinguished research institution. In addition to supporting research activities from a technological standpoint as partners to researchers, they actively contribute to educational activities both within and outside the university, leveraging their advanced specialized skills.

Amid ongoing university reforms, it is essential not only to focus on the transformation of Okayama University itself but also to drive societal change. The roles of researchers in generating research and innovation, educators in fostering talent, and technical staff involved in both areas will become increasingly critical in the future. The Okayama University Technical Support Department will strengthen the organization to proactively act ahead of societal and policy trends.

Moreover, it is vital to envision the “new role of technical staff.” For example, the national government has recognized technical positions as potential career paths for those with Dr./Ph.D degrees. At Okayama University, we are not only embracing these trends but also actively developing a new vision of technical staff unique to Okayama University. This includes technical project managers who can lead research and development, technology management personnel who can support technology-based startups and ventures, and medical-engineering technical staff equipped with the expertise of Okayama University Hospital, renowned for its cutting-edge medical research and development. We are energetically advancing organizational reform and talent development to realize this vision.

We sincerely appreciate your continued support and cooperation in the efforts and activities of the Okayama University Technical Support Department.